St. Augustine/Palm Coast

Friends of Washington Oaks Gardens State Park: Second Saturday Plant Sale

  • When: Saturday, September 13, 2025, 10:00 am -  1:00 pm
  • Location: Washington Oaks Gardens State Park, 6400 N. Oceanshore Boulevard, Palm Coast FL 32137
  • Cost: $5.00 per Vehicle Entrance Fee

The Friends of Washington Oaks hold a Plant Sale on the Second Saturday of each month. Our plant sale features a wonderful selection of flowers and bushes together with various plants for your home, patio or garden. Each month there are a few new plants showcased. Help quicken the line and fiscal transactions by bringing cash for these plant sales.

Be eco-friendly and bring your own reusable bags or containers to take your new plants home!

Visitors may find Florida Natives among the selections on the plant benches. A portion of the plants were propagated and grown in the park through the efforts of the Friends. All proceeds benefit the park for enhancement of current and new facilities.

  • Website:
  • Contact Phone: (386) 446-6780
  • Contact Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • Category: Ongoing Programs


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