St. Augustine/Palm Coast

Halifax Rowing Association: National Learn to Row Day

  • When: Saturday, June 1, 2024,  9:00 am - 12:00 pm
  • Location: Halifax Rowing Association Boathouse, 201 City Island Parkway, Daytona Beach, FL 32114
  • Cost: Free

Never too young or too old to try something new. Middle School Students and Up are invited to join us at the boathouse for a tour and an opportunity to row in a shell!

Each year, US Rowings National Learn to Row Day is the first Saturday in June. In most years, HRA looks to open the boathouse for any interested visitors for 3-4 hours during the morning. During that time, we look to introduce those visitors to the basic type of rowing, the equipment used in rowing, and to the basics of the rowing stroke.

This usually includes an introductory outing with current rowers of the club.


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