Beat the Test ACT / SAT Test Prep:
Learn the insiders tricks to getting the highest score on the SAT / ACT. Our personalized curriculum is based on each students unique diagnostic analysis with 3 full-length practice tests! Learn what it takes to gain 100-300 points on the SAT or 3-6 points on the ACT. Call today to set up a diagnostic tests and get your estimated baseline scores.
Learning Day Camps for Distance Learners:
A distraction free space to do schoolwork and get support with navigating distance learning. While most schoolwork is done independently, students will be supervised by a Certified Teacher who will assist as needed. Daily updates on assignments completed. Includes STEAM activities and fun social interaction with other students. Snacks provided. Choose from 1-5 days per week, half day, full day and pod support . Starting at $200/month. Discounts for 5 or more students. Starting Aug 31st in both Julington Creek and CR210 locations.
Study Skills Course:
Tied of fighting with your student to study? In this 16 hour Online Study Skills course (over 8 weeks) your student will learn how to study, get organized, take tests, and advocate for themselves. Ideal for 5th through 12th graders. Course includes 2 hours per week with a live instructor online, Digital APP to help reinforce skills and application of concepts weekly. Seats are limited. Classes now enrolling.