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Montessori mornings (1800 × 800 px) (1800 × 1200 px).png


A bi-weekly Montessori and Nature School inspired parent and child homeschool co-op enrichment program held in the 386 area, FL. This fun and immersive program is geared towards children Preschool - Elementary. We offer many themed hands on activities each week for children to learn and play with others and their caregiver held at beautiful local parks. It's a truly wonderful set up for homeschool families wanting to add something a little different to their routine.








What does a day at Montessori Mornings look like ? After arriving to the park, you will find many activities set up and ready for you and your child/ren to work with. There will be art activities, manipulative toys and games, science explorations, imaginative learning invitations and so much more. You can rotate through any and all of the activities as your child desires. The main focus of this group is to have fun and enjoy the awesome themed offerings that you can work with and explore at your leisure. Some children may choose to focus on one specific activity throughout their entire morning with us, while others will bounce to every lesson available (maybe even multiple times), and some might just want to explore the park, trails and playgrounds with our nature tools - and that's okay ! One of the beautiful things about this Montessori inspired group is it's focus on child-led learning and that means there's no time limits, no requirements and no pressure. After exploring with the lessons, there will be a short closing group time which will likely consist of a book, a song or two, and maybe a group activity .. each week will present differently as to focus on the needs of the group. At this time we will wrap up and say our goodbyes and most will head to the playground or to grab lunch or snack. Sounds fun right ? We agree and cannot wait to meet you and your kiddos !


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